What “In The Image” of God Meant to the Early Hebrews

“Now I have no idea what to think but that being made in our image he must look similiar. I heard something once about being made in Godʼs image…and I canʼt remember for the life of me where I heard it…but we are made in Godʼs image…but not in physical image. God gave us a personality…capability to love others, to be happy, to cry…and whatever our personality is…that is what being made in Godʼs image is”.
Image of God, Ancient Hebrews

The image of God means spitting image.
The ancient Hebrews thought in quite physical terms.

Genesis plainly states, as many theologians have pointed out, that man was created in Godʼs physical image. Some verses make this connection abundantly clear: “When God created man, He made him in the likeness of God…[And then when] Adam became the father of a son [it was] in his own likeness, according to his image.” (Gen. 5:1,3)

Ancient peoples even spread fables about how the gods found human females “beautiful,” implying that those females bore a physical resemblance to the godsʼ notions of god-like beauty. Such fables are echoed in Genesis 6:2: “And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.”

In short, ancient Hebrews believed that humanity was made in the physical image of “God,” even in an image that the “sons of God” found irresistibly attractive. In a similar fashion the ancient Greeks believed that they bore a physical resemblance to their gods, Zeus, Apollo, etc.

Speaking of the Hebrew Lord resembling Zeus, see the section “Lightning (A Heretic Makes a Shocking Discovery)” which explains how both the Hebrew Lord and Zeus liked to “cover their hands with the lightnings” and “restrain” or “loose” it; and how the roar of thunder was viewed as their “voice.” Moreover, nothing pleased both their noses better than the aroma of flaming sacrificial livestock. As it says in the Bible, “ the Lord smelled the soothing aroma.” (Gen. 8:21; Ex. 29:18; Lev. 1:17, 3:5; Num. 15:13,24; 29:28)

Thereʼs a description of the Cherubim angles in the Bible which says they have a pair of extra wings just to “cover their feet,” a common euphemism for genitalia in the ancient Hebrew.

“Thigh” was also used as in the oaths taken by Abrahamʼs servant at Abrahamʼs death, “Come, place your hand under my thigh and take an oath.”

The penis, as in circumcision, was viewed as a holy or near holy object, offered to God. It contained the “seed” that would produced future blessed generations, the woman being considered the seed bearer. As in Hebrews where it says that so-and-so was in Abrahamʼs “loins” two generations before so-and-so was even born!

Also, one might consider what “image” of God was presented to the ancient Hebrews when God “walked” by the encampment and allowed them all to “see My backside.”

The Hebrews were quite anthropomorphic, even having their God flinging lightning bolts, like Zeus, if we are to accept the account of God in the book of Job.

Best, Ed

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